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Foros24h.comExplore Peru


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 13/1/2017

This adventure offers the Peruvian Amazon. Day 1: Arrival to Lima Day 2: Puno, Sillustani Day 3: Lake Titicaca Day 4: Puno - Cusco Day 5: Cusco City Day 6: Sacred Valley Day 7: Machu Picchu Tour Day 8,9,10: Amazon Rainforest

Foros24h.comCusco Mystic And Healing - Offering To Mother Earth & Healing The Spirit


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 4/1/2017

Peru called also Land of the Incas, is a country rich in ancient culture, a world of world of magic and mysticism. Peru has retained its wisdom and knowledge from their Andean heritage and has become one of Cusco mystic and healing

Foros24h.comMazon Rainforest


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 2/1/2017

This adventure offers the best Peruvian Amazon. Day 1: Arrival to Lima Day 2: Puno, Sillustani Day 3: Lake Titicaca Day 4: Puno - Cusco Day 5: Cusco City Day 6: Sacred Valley Day 7: Machu Picchu Tour Day 8,9,10: [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">Amazon Rainforest

Foros24h.comCultural Tours in Peru


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 19/12/2016

7 DAYS PERU & CUSCO, ENJOYING WITH THE LOCALS , Visit a school or an orphanage (Private service) Day 4: Ollantaytambo site tour - Aguas Calientes Day 5: Machu Picchu Day 6: Cusco Archaeological Day 7: Departure Cuso

Foros24h.com10 Days Explore Peru


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 14/12/2016

This adventure offers the South America Peru Tours - [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">SA Peru. We can offer you trips throughout the most highlighted destinations in South America. We will take you to the best parts of Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina y Bolivia. Come with us and enjoy!

Foros24h.com12 Days Buenos Aires, World Wonders Of Iguazu Falls And Machu Picchu


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 12/12/2016

These two wonders tour, offer you to visit two iconic visiting Machu Picchu. Don’t miss this tour! Explore two different sides of South America, by visiting both you will have the chance to get to know different societies in only 12 days trip. Day 1: Arrival to Buenos Aires Day 2: Buenos Aires Day 3: Buenos Aires – Iguazu Falls Day 4: Iguazu Falls, Argentinean side Day 5: Iguazu Falls,...

Foros24h.comCusco & Machu Picchu Inca Trail


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 9/12/2016

Be part of this adventure in your

Foros24h.comPeru Holidays


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 2/12/2016

Explore all Machu Picchu Tour Day 14,15,16: [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">Amazon Rainforest

Foros24h.comDiscovering The Mystery Of Southern Peru


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 30/11/2016

Explore all Machu Picchu Tour Day 14,15,16: [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">Amazon Rainforest

Foros24h.com7 Days The Ancient Peru


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 28/11/2016

Visit a school or an orphanage in surrounding areas of Cusco (Private service) Day 7: Departure Cusco

Foros24h.com12 Days Wonders Of Machu Picchu And Galapagos Islands


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 23/11/2016

Explore through two of Machu Picchu Day 6: Cusco Archaeological Day 7: Departure Cusco & Flight Lima to Quito Day 8: Quito & Middle of the World Day 9 Flight from Quito to Galapagos / Cruise Day 10 [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">Cruises Galapagos Islands Day 11 Cruises Galapagos Islands Day 12 Departure Galapagos (Flight back to Quito or...

Foros24h.com9 Days Peru Land Of The Incas


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 21/11/2016

Experience Peru best places, explore the tours in Lima, Puno, Sillustani, mingling with the Locals of Lake Titicaca and Sacred Valley and Cusco City Tour Day 6: [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">Sacred Valley Tour Day 7,8: Aguas Calientes & Machu Picchu Tour Day 9: Departure Cusco

Foros24h.com8 Days Great Peru Northern Kingdom: Chiclayo, Kuelap


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 16/11/2016

Explore one of the most new recommended destinationsArrival to Chiclayo / Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum (No Lunes) and Túcume Pyramids Day 2: Chiclayo - Chachapoyas Day 3: Gocta waterfalls & petroglyphs of Pitaya Day 4: Kuelap Fortress Day 5: Revash Tombs and to Leymebamba Museum Day 6: Leymebamba – Celendin - Cajamarca Day 7:...

Foros24h.com7 Days Peru & Cusco, Enjoying With The Locals


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 14/11/2016

Visiting Schools & Meeting Traditional Local family) Day 1: Arrival to Lima Day 2: Lima – Cusco & Sacred Valley (Private service) Day 3: Sacred Valley & Visit a school or an orphanage (Private service) Day 4: Ollantaytambo site tour - Aguas Calientes Day 5: Machu Picchu Day 6: Cusco Archaeological Day 7: Departure Cuso

Foros24h.comRainbow Mountain Full day


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 7/11/2016

Enjoy the natural colours of the rarely visited Rainbow Mountain, hiking through some isolated communities, in which you may interact with the local's who are still keeping the culture alive! You’ll see snow capped peaks, herds of llamas, glaciers and turquoise lakes, all set within an incredibly colourful mountain range. The trek is one of the quietest in the region it is likely you will not...

Foros24h.comEn Lares, Cusco es más sabroso

1 Respuestas


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Última: 14/9/2016 por CaminoIncaCusco

Los limeños que vivimos en Cusco pasamos, eventualmente, una típica crisis por falta del mar. Menos mal tenemos Los buses de Calca a Lares cuestan 10 soles y toman dos horas en llegar. En líneas generales, sugiero disponer de dos días completos para Lares, quedándose una noche. El primero de ida, necesitas al menos cinco horas para llegar a los baños desde Cusco (Cusco – Calca son como...

Foros24h.comChoquequirao Datos historicos


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 7/9/2016

A inicios del siglo XVIII, se dan las primeras noticias en relación a la regreso de Choquequirao a Estados Unidos; Hiram Bingham, publicó dos imágenes con el término “encontrado” y “bolas”; en efecto, se trataba del material que había extraído de Choquequirao, probablemente el año 2009: la primera se trataba de una pieza de piedra y en la segunda una imagen donde Bingham,...

Foros24h.comViaje A Lares


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 6/9/2016

En mi último viaje al Cusco, fui informada de los pueblo de Lares, un pueblo pequeño con sus tiendas, restaurantes, alojamientos, los baños termales están a media hora de camino y 5’ en carro, nos alojamos a la entrada de los baños y teníamos que caminar la media hora al pueblo para almorzar ida y vuelta, fue fabuloso caminar no me dolía nada, tomamos los baños que eran al aire libre,...

Foros24h.comLa experiencia de transitar en el Camino del Inca


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 5/9/2016

el Camino del Inca es una travesía que implica diferentes riesgos durante los cuatro días, casi no tiene diferencias con adentrarse en los paisajes del sur o el norte argentino. La caminata la realizan, sin problemas, hombres y mujeres de más de 50 años y hasta un anciano, de 82, completó el camino. Sólo hay que cuidarse de no sufrir el mal de altura, cuando el segundo día se asciende a...

Foros24h.comPoblado de Lares


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 2/9/2016

zona de Lares, por en de Choquekancha, no fue explotada por los españoles por encontrarse en un terreno completamente accidentado, solo mantuvieron relaciones por el comercio de algunos productos. En la época Republicana (1824 hasta nuestros días), la región adquiere su mayor esplendor formando parte de la Provincia de Calca, Departamento del Cusco, Lares adquiere la categoría de Distrito en...

Foros24h.comCamino inca . MINCETUR


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 1/9/2016

Descripción Camino Inca es la ruta de trekking mas famosa e importante de America por el conjunto de atractivos naturales y culturales que ofrece al turista en su trayecto. La presencia de la cadena de montañas que conforman el ramal del Vilcanota con nevados de alturas superiores a los 6000 m.s.n.m. tales como el Salkantay. La formacion de selvas y valles crean imagenes de fantacia donde los...

Foros24h.comQue podemos ver en el camino Inca


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 29/8/2016

Debemos saber que los Incas construyeron al menos 23,000 kilómetros de caminos en toda su historia, pero la trayectoria que más resalta a la hora de hacer turismo, es el camino Inca a Machu Picchu. En mayor o menor cantidad, todos los caminos incas van dirigidos hacia templos o localidades conservadas en el tiempo, algunas con monumentos y otras simplemente con muestras de la cultura Inca. Sin...

Foros24h.comChoquequirao por ruta de Anta


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 27/8/2016

La vía terrestre es la única forma de llegar a la ciudadela de Choquequirao. Desde el sector de Ccamas hasta San Francisco se viene habilitando la trocha carrozable para que no sólo la población local y estudiantes tengan acceso sino también los turistas que llegan al Cusco.

Foros24h.com10 consejos para realizar el Camino Inca


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 25/8/2016

1.- Reserva el trekking con tiempo. El acceso al Camino Inca está limitado y una vez cubiertos los cupos marcados por el gobierno no es posible acceder de ninguna manera. por ello es fundamental planificar el viaje con tiempo (sobre todo si vas en temporada alta) para poder reservar las plazas con suficiente antelación. Hay muchas agencias que organizan el treking, Si eres de los que le gusta...

Foros24h.comChoquequirao entre la realidad y el mito


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 24/8/2016

Se definió mucho tiempo Choquequirao como campo básico de sus expediciones punitivas que llevó ardientemente durante ocho años contra los Españoles. Se organizó una expedición de arqueólogos y de geólogos franceses en 2002 a [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">Choquequirao para examinar la posibilidad de transformar el santuario inca en un gran lugar...

Foros24h.comHot Springs in Lares


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 19/8/2016

Famous for having the best thermal Lares enchants. There is no doubt about it. With its medicinal waters, and its amazing scenery it is spectacular. It is fun to camp with your friends in order to throw yourself into the immensity of the starry night. Cuzco Eats shares photographs here from a recent [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">trip to Lares.

Foros24h.comexcursion a manzanillo gran festival

atenea cervantes

en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 16/8/2016

Hola chicos me gustaría invitarlos a manzanillo del 28 al 30 de octubre con todo incluido: alimentos, bebidas, snack, uso de las instalaciones, transporte de lujo, el costo 2,600 por persona en hab doble. precio especial a menores y adolescentes.!! quien se apunta...!!! si desean mayor informacion pueden llamar o mandar un whatsapp al 33-13-57-26-14 saludos

Foros24h.comLares Trek FAQs


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 16/8/2016

How difficult is the Lares Trek? hike the Lares Trek please advise us at the time of booking (it is very difficult to make these arrangements once you have already confirmed). If you choose not to hike the trail you will spend two nights in Cuzco and then take the train to the town of Aguas Calientes for the third night where you will rejoin your group and spend the night before touring Machu...

Foros24h.comInformation about inka trail


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 15/8/2016

Many countries have mountain ranges with beautiful scenery and Peru itself is richly blessed in this respect with many other areas for hiking. However the scenery is only one of the elements responsible for the magic of

Foros24h.comCeremonial Center of Choquequirao


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 10/8/2016

The ceremonial adventure in Choquequirao

Foros24h.comLares Trail


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 9/8/2016

The Lares trek is one of the main alternatives to the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. It is slightly shorter and higher in altitude than the Inca Trail; it is accessible from Cusco. Unlike the Inca Trail, permits are not required to hike the Lares Trek. There are a number of different route itineraries and variations available on the [URL="" target="blank"...

Foros24h.comTrekking in Lares


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 5/8/2016

The Lares Trek route transverses typical beautiful, pristine Peruvian Andean mountain areas. This remote and rarely visited region offers the trekker an insight into the real lives of the Andean farmer, dressed in their traditional brightly colored ponchos. You’ll have the opportunity to see thatched stone houses surrounded by herds of llamas and alpacas. Inside the houses you’ll see guinea...

Foros24h.comInca Trail to Machu Picchu - Information


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 4/8/2016

The IThe trail is closed every February for cleaning. This was originally done informally by organizations such as South American Explorers but is now managed officially.

Foros24h.comInca Trail "Short" to Machu Picchu in 2 days


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 1/8/2016

First day Inca Trail: Cusco - Chachabamba2 Day [URL="" target="blank" rel="nofollow">Inca Trail: Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu - Cusco On this last day we will have breakfast at 5:00 and go to our bus at the station in Aguas Calientes. We will take a bus to Machu Picchu Inca city. To enter you will also need to show your passport, the entrance ticket and the ISIC...

Foros24h.comChoquequirao trek 3 days


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 27/7/2016

Day 1: Cusco – Cachora – Chiquisqa The aruins of Choquequirao with its mystical atmosphere, its incredible surroundings and the unique llama-walls which were recently discovered in 2006. With some luck we can also spot the amazing condor. From Choquequirao the route will take us back to Cocamasana, where we will overstay the night. First we have to [URL=""...

Foros24h.comInformation About Inka Trail to Machu Picchu


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 25/7/2016

There are many ruins, great vantage points, and beautiful landscapes along the camps along the Inca Trail at 3500 meters and this is also the name of the Paccaymayu Valley. Runkuraqhay: Runkuraqhay is an archeological ruin believed to be an administrative point left behind by the Incas. Runkuraqhay Pass: Runkuraqhay Pass, named for the mountain and ruins of the same name. From this height you...

Foros24h.comThe Sun Path and Inca Trail to Machu Picchu


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 21/7/2016

Tour Lima, the Ballestas Islands by boat, the Nazca Lines by plane, visit Cusco and the Sacred Valley of the Incas, all before the Inka Trail trek before booking your hotels, flights, etc., since Inca Trail permits are limited!. Daily departures are available throughout the year (March through January-February the Inca Trail is closed), even though the recommended period for this trek is April to...

Foros24h.comAttractions in Lares Trek


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 19/7/2016

The hike along the area of Lares – has a form like a miniature tree. Mantanay: small village with native Peruvians working in traditional closet on the fields of the mountain with their domestic animals, the llamas and sheeps. The Inhabitants are known for their skills of weaving. Yanahuara: a small village of native Peruvians living and working in the mountains. Every week they catch the fish...

Foros24h.comWhy travel to Inka Trail Machu Picchu


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 18/7/2016

the Inca Trail, only about 150 are trekkers, since the rest of the spots are reserved for the guides, cooks, and porters. The trekking companies who are allowed to work the Inca Trail have to have an operating license specifically for the Inca Trail (operating licenses are issued yearly) and those trekking companies also need to have an office in Peru. The most popular Inca Trail trek is...

Foros24h.comInca Trail + Huayna Picchu


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 14/7/2016

The Huayna Picchu Mountain; this way you get to enjoy Machu Picchu for a full extra day (a walk to Inca bridge can complete this great experience). This is especially a good opportunity in wet season to give you a second opportunity to see Machu Picchu with a good clear weather!. So this package includes the second entrance to Machu Picchu on the 5th day, permits to climb Huayna Picchu Mountain,...

Foros24h.comLares Trek to Machu Picchu


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 12/7/2016

Day 1: Sacred Valley: Pisac Valley and Ruins Day 5: Visit Machu Picchu Sanctuary and Return to Cusco Today we’ll start with an early breakfast before walking to the bus station. Here we’ll take a bus up to Machu Picchu Sanctuary which will take about half an hour. We will have a two-hour guided tour of some of the most important sites within [URL="" target="blank"...

Foros24h.comMachu Picchu in 2 days


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 11/7/2016

Our short version ofthe Ikca trail ends and we will enter the wonder of Machu Picchu. Later we take a bus to Aguas Calientes and transfer to your hotel. We will arrive there at 5pm in the afternoon, and we will enjoy a nice dinner. After the dinner we will settle down for the night. On this last day we will have breakfast at 5:00 and go to our bus at the station in Aguas Calientes. We will take a...

Foros24h.comChoquequirao Trek 4 days


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 9/7/2016

Day 1: Cusco – Cachora – Chiquisqa The Choquequirao where the gods of the Incas once ruled and their spirits still floats around. Day 3: Choquequirao - Cocamasana Early in the morning we can see the sun rise over the ruins and throw a wonderful light over the site. After the breakfast we will visit the magnificent ruins of Choquequirao with its mystical atmosphere, its incredible...

Foros24h.comDifficult Level By Locations In Choquequirao trekking


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 6/7/2016

1. Cusco - Cachora - Chiquisca The time of the trek to Chiquisca is about 8 hours, and it covers a distance of 19 kilometers. The first part is flat and is an easy trekking until the view point of Capuliyoc, from this part the hike goes downhill until Cocamasana (2330 above sea level), where we finally arrive at Chiquisca (1950 above sea level) which lays at a grove where we can find water and...

Foros24h.comThe Lares Trek Route


en Foros de Agencias de Viajes
Creado: 5/7/2016

Along the Lares trek by hiking 3 to 4 hours uphill to the Wakahuasi Pass at 4300 meters. When we’ve gone over the pass, we’ll hike downhill for about an hour to Auroroycocha to before the town of Yanahuara which will be our camp for the night. Yanahuara – Ollantaytambo – Aguas Calientes From Yanahuara we’ll walk down to the local road for about 40 minutes. From here we’ll take...


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Alberto2302 43 años

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