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Foro Boimorto

Foros de Boimorto

Foros24h.compre enrolement passeport


en Telefonía en A Coruña
Creado: 4/12/2024

On June 17, 2021, the President of the Republic, HE Paul Biya signed Presidential Decree no. 2021/347 setting the conditions for issuing passports. This decree lists the conditions of establishment, as well as the procedures for obtaining the 3 types of biometric passports: the ordinary passport, the service passport and the diplomatic...

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en Informática, internet, Telefonía y nuevas tecnologías... en A Coruña
Creado: 27/11/2024

On June 17, 2021, the President of the Republic, HE Paul Biya signed Presidential Decree no. 2021/347 setting the conditions for issuing passports. This decree lists the conditions of establishment, as well as the procedures for obtaining the 3 types of biometric passports: the ordinary passport, the service passport and the diplomatic...

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en Salud y Belleza en A Coruña
Creado: 16/11/2024

On June 17, 2021, the President of the Republic, HE Paul Biya signed Presidential Decree no. 2021/347 setting the conditions for issuing passports. This decree lists the conditions of establishment, as well as the procedures for obtaining the 3 types of biometric passports: the ordinary passport, the service passport and the diplomatic...

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en Cirugía Estética en A Coruña
Creado: 20/10/2024

On June 17, 2021, the President of the Republic, HE Paul Biya signed Presidential  Decree no.2021/347 setting the conditions for issuing passports.  This decree lists the conditions of establishment, as well as the procedures for  obtaining the 3 types of biometric passports: the ordinary passport,  the service passport and the diplomatic...

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en Enlaces en A Coruña
Creado: 18/10/2024

On June 17, 2021, the President of the Republic, HE Paul Biya signed Presidential  Decree no.2021/347 setting the conditions for issuing passports.  This decree lists the conditions of establishment, as well as the procedures for  obtaining the 3 types of biometric passports: the ordinary passport,  the service passport and the diplomatic...

Foros24h.comenrolement passeport cameroun


en Cirugía Estética en A Coruña
Creado: 9/10/2024

On June 17, 2021, the President of the Republic, HE Paul Biya signed Presidential Decree no. 2021/347 setting the conditions for issuing passports. This decree lists the conditions of establishment, as well as the procedures for obtaining the 3 types of biometric passports: the ordinary passport, the service passport and the diplomatic...

Foros24h.comHola a tod@s


en Nuevos Miembros en A Coruña
Creado: 30/3/2022

Nada, solo presentarme. Soy gallego! tengo 32 años y me encanta el buen rollo que se crea en los foros, la yuda que se presta y la cantidad de información a la que se accede. Por desgracia es un medio que parece que se está olvidando, y eso me da pena, pero bueno, espero que nos vayamos conociendo poco a poco y que lo pasemos bien juntos! Saludos!

Mapa de Boimorto

Padrón de Habitantes de Boimorto

Boimorto tiene 2.040 habitantes, de los cuales 1.042 son hombres y 998 son mujeres.

Blog de Boimorto

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Vídeos de Boimorto

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Vista a pie de calle de Boimorto

El Tiempo en Boimorto

el Martes18/2/2025 Nuboso con lluvia escasaNuboso con lluvia escasa Temperatura: 14° / Viento: 10 kms/h. SProb. Lluvia: 45%
el Miércoles19/2/2025 Intervalos nubosos con lluvia escasaIntervalos nubosos con lluvia escasa Temperatura: 16° / Viento: 10 kms/h. SOProb. Lluvia: 75%
el Jueves20/2/2025 Cubierto con lluviaCubierto con lluvia escasa Temperatura: 15° / Viento: 15 kms/h. SProb. Lluvia: 60%
el Viernes21/2/2025 Cubierto con lluviaCubierto con lluvia Temperatura: 13° / Viento: 20 kms/h. SProb. Lluvia: 100%
el Sábado22/2/2025 Nuboso con lluviaNuboso con lluvia Temperatura: 12° / Viento: 10 kms/h. OProb. Lluvia: 100%
Fuente: AEMET

Enlaces de Interés en Boimorto

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Gente de Boimorto

Lume Roberto Pérez PérezA Coruña36 años

Negocios en Boimorto

No hay negocios

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